Working Better Together on EDI
Our Wellbeing Lead, Abby Lash, co-presented with Sylvia Opara (Phoenix ME) at Mace's EDI Executive Briefing.
21 November 2024DGP have made a commitment to be Net Zero by 2026 and are on a journey that will require all of us to think differently to achieve this. Engagement of the whole workforce on sustainability and environmental matters is crucial for the successful implementation and integration of sustainable practices within DGP and achieving our ambitious target of Net Zero by 2026.
As part of the process of raising awareness and within the next month, we will be introducing a monthly project award scheme to donate trees on behalf of the winning ‘project of the month’. Each project can monitor how many trees they have contributed to the newly created DGP grove, Ty D Grove.
The Ty D Grove is part of a certified reforestation project, Trees for Life, in the UK where each tree contributed will save in the region of 22kg CO2 helping to reduce our carbon footprint. We recognise the far-reaching benefits encompassing this project, including biodiversity conservation and promoting well-being of both current and future generations. Please watch out for communications in the coming weeks for further details around this project award scheme.